
Switch Case Program in C language | C Language | Switch Case

Switch case Program in C Language :

Switch Case program Output :



Copy from below 📝 : :

[ show your fortune for your name ]



int main(){    char name;    printf("enter your name's first alphabet \n");     scanf("%c",&name);    switch(name)    {    case'a':        printf("you are very curious ");        break;    case'b':        printf("you are always busy ");        break;    case'd':        printf("you are fullfil to ego ");        break;    case'g':        printf("you are very polite ");        break;    case'c':        printf("you are always happy");        break;    case'l':        printf("you are very helpful ");        break;    case'h':        printf("you are hardworker");        break;    default:        printf("you are always joyful");    }}

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